The Ghana Chamber of Mines(GCM) is a voluntary private sector employers association representing companies and organisations engaged in the minerals and mining industry. Its mission is to represent the mining industry in Ghana using the resources and capabilities of its members to deliver services that address members, government and community needs, in order to enhance development. In line with its mission, the Ghana Chamber of Mines Tertiary Education Fund was launched in October, 2019 in an effort to help build the needed human resource capital for the mining industry. For the first phase of the Fund, an annual amount between Four Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($400,000) and Four Hundred and Forty Thousand US dollars (440,000) is expected to be contributed into the Fund collectively by the producing, contract mining and explosive manufacturing member companies of the Chamber. For the first five years, the Fund has been earmarked for the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa, which is the premier mining institution in Ghana, to aid in producing high calibre mining professionals for the local industry and beyond. The Fund is to be directly managed by a Governing Board with membership from member companies of the Ghana Chamber of Mines and the University of Mines and Technology which will report to the Council of the Chamber.
The Tertiary Education Fund will specifically support areas such as infrastructural development, research of Faculty members and Postgraduate Students related to industry needs and application of automated systems. Another support area is scholarships for Under-Graduate Students and Industry Training Programmes. The Fund will also support secondment programmes for Faculty Members and provision of educational resources for teaching and learning. Read More