(2024/2025 ACADEMIC YEAR)
Relevant Information/Instruction for the GCM-TEF Application Form for Secondment of Faculty Members of UMaT to Industry
- Introduction
The objective is to provide placement for secondment of Faculty members (Senior Lecturers and below) in Mining firms to strengthen industry-academia linkage for mutual benefit of the industry and the University. The period will be 3-6 weeks per year within the Lecturer’s leave period and the Companies’ availability as agreed upon between the University Training Unit and the Human Resources Office of the Mining companies. The procedure for the secondment will be initiated by UMaT July, each year.
1.1 Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the Secondment, an applicant must:
- Be a Faculty Member at the level of Senior Lecturer or below,
- Not have benefitted on two concurrent times, unless there are no other applicants for the same position,
- Submit the application form before the deadline, and
- Undertake to comply with principles set out by the Governing Board, UMaT and the Mine regarding the Secondment Programme.
1.2 Accessing the Secondment Programme
- The University Training Unit will call for application from interested Faculty for Secondment Programme 28th June, 2024.
- Lecturers will complete the application form, indicate preferred Mining Companies and Department/Section of their choice.
- The form should be endorsed by Heads of Department before submission by 12th July, 2024.
- Preference will be given to those who have not benefited before or in the previous year in case there is limited number of placements.
- The University Training Unit will make a request for available placements to the Governing Board through the Vice Chancellor by 19th July, 2024 (The Unit will indicate the two vacation periods in the University).
- The Governing Board will respond with available placement opportunities at the individual mining companies by 16th August, 2024.
- 2024 Secondment period will be four to six weeks during the long vacation (1st October to 15th December, 2024).
- The Host Mining Company will take care of the Lecturers’ transportation, accommodation, feeding and other logistics on site, whiles UMaT takes care of transportation to and from the company outside Tarkwa.
- Lecturers on secondment will submit a report and deliver a seminar to the host company before the completion of the internship period.
- Lecturers on secondment will deliver a seminar to the University Community upon successful completion of the internship period.
Download Application Form
Note: Completed application form must be submitted to: