The Ghana Chamber of Mines (GCM) is a voluntary private sector employers association representing companies and organisations engaged in the minerals and mining industry. The mission of GCM is to represent the mining industry in Ghana using the resources and capabilities of its members to deliver services that address members, government and community needs, in order to enhance development. In line with its mission, GCM launched its Tertiary Education Fund (TEF) in October, 2019, with the initial phase of five years earmarked for the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa, which is the premier mining institution in Ghana, to aid in producing high calibre mining professionals for the local industry and beyond. UMaT also recognises the need to continuously conceive and develop research interventions in partnership with external stakeholders, especially industry and policy actors, for the human and economic development of Ghana. To enhance the contribution of UMaT in developing projects with readily implementable outputs and uptake, the Council of GCM approved the establishment of the GCM-TEF Research Fund for UMaT Faculty. The objective of the Fund is to equip Faculty Members of the UMaT to engage in research of relevance to the mining industry and/or the nation, and to strengthen collaboration between UMaT Faculty and Industry. The UMaT GCM-TEF Committee will call for application on 1st September, 2024 and close it on 30th September, 2024. Potential researchers will apply to the Fund with proposed solutions to their identified problems of relevance to the mining industry and/or the nation. The UMaT GCM-TEF Committee will pre-screen the completed application documents for compliance to the application requirements, and forward it to the Governing Board for further assessment. The Board would recommend awardees for consideration to the GCM Council.

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